About Santosh


B.E in Biotechnology @ Acharya Institute of Technology (VTU), Bangelore

M.Tech in Biotechnology & Biochemical Engg @ IIT Kharagpur

Email: santoshnambi9@gmail.com

Phone: +91-8850663699

Santosh Nambi Yadav

Research Interests: Microalgal biorefinery

Research Experience:

Bioreactor operation for biohydrogen and biobutanol production

Optimized physicochemical parameters for enhanced biohydrogen and biobutanol production using RSM and Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Pre-treatment of wastewater and other organic residues for hydrogen and butanol production

Whole cell immobilization for biofuel production

Continuous mode of fermentation for biofuel production

Adsorption characteristics of zeolites, amberlites and activated charcoal for selective adsorption of butanol


Singh Vaishali, Santoshnambi Yadav, Ramkrishna Sen, and Debabrata Das. "Concomitant hydrogen and butanol production via co-digestion of organic wastewater and nitrogenous residues." International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2020)

Santoshnambi Yadav, Singh Vaishali, Chandan Mahata, and Debabrata Das. " Optimization for simultaneous enhancement of biobutanol and biohydrogen production." International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2020)